Mon-Fri. 10 AM -10 PM EST



Reputation Help for Restaurants, Hotels, and Motels
Is a bad or false review about your restaurant or hotel ruining your reputation and costing you business?

If so you are not alone.

In the past few years there has been an explosion of websites that enable anyone to write negative reviews about your business. This means that not only a disgruntled customer but also an unethical competitor or a personal adversary can slander you anonymously and with no consequences.

Even though most of these reviews may not be valid you know that once they are published they can be very harmful to your business.

In our experience most restaurants, hotels and motels, do not have bad reputations – if they did they would not be in business. However, most restaurants, hotels and motels do have bad publicity on review sites

What can you do to neutralize unfair negative reviews
The problem for you is that these review sites have grown and become popular by exploiting human nature. People are attracted to negative publicity! If you have 1000 customers and only five of them are unhappy with you—they are the ones that are most likely to write you a review. The happy customers usually will not bother. The review sites do not present an accurate picture.  Assume you have 995 satisfied clients and five unhappy ones. The review site will not present a balanced picture, all they do is print the bad reviews and thus create the impression that your service is faulty.

IRM’s new service for restaurants, motels and hotels
There is nothing you can do about the negative reviews that are already published. What you need to do is to get your happy customers to submit reviews that can balance and neutralize the negative publicity. This is the basis of the service we are now offering. We have developed a process that reaches out to your happy customers and encourages them to post positive reviews. There is nothing you can do to prevent people of bad will from posting malicious false, impulsive reviews--but think of how much better you feel knowing the every month you will have a guaranteed number of positive reviews posted in your name.

For more information about this unique service and to learn about our low monthly fees please call 800-307-9150  or click here to fill out our form. Please write “Review Service” on your form.

"It is easier to cope with a bad conscience than with a bad reputation."
Friedrich Nietzsche

"Reputations are created every day and every minute."
Samuel Butler